
New PLANET W2 Deliverables now available!

Four deliverables from WP2 PLANET Cloud-based Open EGTN Infrastructure have been submitted at the end of November and are now ready to be read! D2.12 Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis final version. This report addresses the challenges

Deliverable D1.3 Modelling & Simulation Capability final version now available!

The goal of this deliverable is to present the currently available models for representing freight transport processes in the intercontinental corridors, their enhancements performed during the project in relation to their key characteristics and

Deliverable D2.8 EGTN Transport Data and Knowledge Models final version now available!

The subject of this deliverable is to present the final form of the unified model behind the EGTN Connectivity Infrastructure. It covers the addition of vehicle technical specifications, train compositions and electricity production carbon

NGS solution, TrackOne, at InnoTrans 2022 | ERCI Innovation Awards Ceremony

The NGS-New Generation Sensors solution called TrackOne, developed and tested within the Horizon 2020 project PLANET, was selected as one of the best innovations in the DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022. RTS-AGW (Rail Transport

TrackOne selected as one of the best innovation of DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest 2022

The 8th edition of the DITECFER Railway Innovation Contest has selected again this year the best innovations in the railway field ‘made in Italy’, based on both technological and market criteria. The winning innovations are TrackOne