
Integration of global supply

Online debate on Integration of GSCs – monitoring of e-commerce shipments on the New Silk Road: January 28, 2021

Polski Instytut Transportu Drogowego organized an online debate devoted to identifying the business needs of GSCs (global supply chains) in the field of e-commerce and the possibilities of solving them as part of the PLANET Project work. The
29th CCTT Plenary Meeting_PLANET_planetproject.eu_

PLANET at 29th CCTT Plenary Meeting: November 06, 2020

PLANET took part at the 29th CCTT Plenary Meeting (XXIX Plenary Meeting of the International Coordinating Council on Trans– Eurasian Transportation) on 6th November 2020, an event with more than 350 participants from 24 countries. The event

1st PLANET Virtual General Assembly Meeting

PLANET 1st virtual General Assembly took place on the 7th of October 2020, where consortium members presented their progress, along with an overview of early achievements. In the first part of PLANET’s 1st GA meeting, the

PLANET at the Logistop Webinar: Blockchain aplicado al transporte y la logística

On 4th November 2020, ITAINNOVA and Fundación Valenciaport – two PLANET partners – together with Eurogestión and ALICE presented case studies to show applications of blockchain in the logistics sector in a webinar organised by
PLANET Project

PLANET Project Celebrates Kick Off Meeting

Yesterday, the project “Progress towards Federated Logistics through the Integration of TEN-T into a Global Trade Network” – PLANET celebrated its Kick Off Meeting. PLANET is a European Union’s co-funded research and innovation action