PLANET’s fifth General Assembly (GA) took place in the month 34 of the project and was attended by over 58 participants. This meeting, hosted by The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas (CERTH)/ Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), was divided in two days and followed a hybrid format.
The two-day meeting focused on the upcoming deliverables and a detailed results update of the project’s three living labs. The event concluded with a session dedicated to PLANET Advisory Board (AB), resulting in an interactive meeting with representation from all project partners.
- Day 1 mainly focused on 3 sessions built around our Living Labs and their respective technical solutions. The first day concluded with a consolidated view of the EGTN Platform Architecture and the integration of its Services, the EGTN generic use case in Port of Sines, the Simulation Capability for analysing the impact of new trade routes and emerging innovations for the TEN-T and European logistics operations, and the Business models that support viable business cases .
- On Day 2, the first part focused on the recommendations for PLANET standardisation, the open source library with generated codes and various documents, and the roadmaps toward PI. Afterwards, the final meeting of the Advisory Board took place, focusing on the presentation of the commercialisation and experimental results: Key Exploitable Results and Living Labs.
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