
Deliverable D2.2 Open EGTN Platform Architecture final version now available!

The Cloud-based Open EGTN Infrastructure Architecture deliverable reports on the creation of an open-source blueprint that aims to empower organisations to build upon and implement Transport & Logistics (T&L) design tools, collaborative logistics and new eCommerce models underpinned by data-driven supply chain insights. The deliverable aims to inform any Stakeholder or consortium of stakeholders involved or interested in the design of innovative, cross-organisational EU-Global T&L networks.

The document explains the reasoning behind the development of the features provided, by mapping the requirements presented in the previous version with the final functionalities offered by the EGTN Platform. It materialises the platform specification defined in WP1 to an integrated architecture and a cloud-based instantiation of it on the cloud. A description of the components of the platform is presented together with detailed deployment strategies aiming to ensure that the platform can be easily adopted by any interested T&L party. The governance model of the platform defines processes for data ingestion and processing, integration and management of PI services and onboarding of users.

D2.2 Open EGTN Platform Architecture final version can be downloaded from the following link:


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