The 2nd PLANET Annual Report presents project’s key achievements accomplished by its consortium members over the course of the second year of the project (M13-M24).
In more detail, the report introduces and highlights the deliverables and other scientific outcomes and achievements of the PLANET project, the interactions among the PLANET’s project various tasks and Work Packages (WPs) as well as the most significant milestones and communication and dissemination achievements ensuring the dissemination of project’s results and the engagement of project’s stakeholders. Furthermore, it should be noted that more than 20 deliverables have been submitted from the different project WPs containing information on the project’s under development services and technical outputs, project’s Living Labs (LLs), EGTN concept specifications etc., which are also available at the project’s website.
In the first part of the report an overview of the PLANET project vision and objectives and LLs demonstrators is provided as a reminder, explaining the business challenges facing or aiming to address as well as the overall project methodology being developed and implemented.
The Second PLANET Annual Report can be downloaded from the following link: