
PLANET Living Lab 2 factsheet now available!

The three Living Labs (LLs) will contribute to the strategic analysis of global flows (based on the corridors where they are located), the analysis of corridor infrastructure issues, and the investigation of integration of the respective global corridor with the TEN-T.

PLANET Living Lab 2 (LL2) will focus on dynamic and Synchromodal management of TEN-T & intercontinental flows promoting rail transport and utilising the Port of Rotterdam (PoR) as the principal smart EGTN Node coordinating the rail focused transport chains linking China through Rotterdam to/from USA, and the Rhine-Alpine Corridor destinations.

The PLANET Living Lab 2 factsheet can be downloaded from the following link: LL2_PLANET SM FACTSHEET

Through this factsheet you can learn about:

  • Objectives & Business benefits of the technologies implemented in LL2.
  • Overview of use cases 1, 2 and 3, as well as their overall activities and an in-depth ‘AS IS’ – ‘TO BE’ comparison.

To know more about this LL, you can dive into the deliverable submitted so far by clicking on the following link: LL2 Specifications and baseline measurements


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