

PLANET at the Acceleration event on blockchain organized by ERCI and DITECFER: June 20, 2022

This initiative has been organised by the DITECFER Railway Cluster in the framework of the EU funded “EXXTRA” and “STARS” projects it coordinates, and in collaboration with the 2 task Forces of ERCI-European Railway Clusters Initiative: “Cybersecurity in Railways” and “Multimodal Logistics”.

The event was conceived as ‘acceleration event’ to understand the BlockChain technology and its potential application. Therefore, the overall objective of this innovative proposal was to discuss the opportunities that join BlockChain and CyberSecurity to current Logistics scenarios.

3 Days event
DAY 1 (20 June) – ‘Frontal-mode’ event to
(A) introduce the state-of-the-art on Cybersecurity in Railways and challenges in Multimodal Logistics, topics covered by the 2 Task Forces, as well as to introduce the Blockchain technology; (B) present current use-cases of Blockchain technology in the railway and multimodality sectors from key European stakeholders (Railway suppliers, National Railways, Ports, Logistics chains, etc.).
DAY 2 (21 June) – Working event to
Look for potential new use-cases of the Blockchain technology in the railway, multimodality and supply chain environments, with pitch of ideas, networking, working groups, to help emerge potential ideas and collaborations for projects
DAY 3 (22 June) – ‘From cave to port’ event
Visit on the field with jeeps along the Marble supply chain, to follow the process from sourcing to port shipping at Marina di Carrara Port of the first Tuscan sector having applied the Blockchain technology from which the STARS Blockchain network has been derived

PLANET was presented at the session entitled Blockchain-enabled Ports: the Experience of the PLANET H2020 project and Blockchain interoperability, as part of the Focus Part 1 (Day 1 – 20 June, 2020) The blockchain technology in railways and multimodal logistics: uses cases and challenges.

During this presentation, Mr. Harris Niavis (Inlecom) and Mr. Claudio Salvadori (NGS, New Generation Sensors) addressed the NGS solution developed in PLANET, as well as the EGTN results, with special focus on the blockchain interoperability.

The event brought together participants from 10 countries and high-level speakers, including:

  • European Commission
  • FSI-Italian State Railways
  • Italian Ministry for Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility / ENISA TRANSSEC Expert Group
  • ISO/TC 307
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • CHAISE, the Blueprint Alliance of the EU for the development of Skills for Blockchain

If you missed out, you can find the presentation below!

To download more information about this event, click on the following link: ACCELERATION EVENT on BLOCKCHAIN (STARS-EXXTRA project -ERCI 1st Joint Task Forces Meeting)_20-22 June – PDF


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