The latest round of factsheets to present the main contributions and functions of PLANET partners is now available!
Through this material you will get to know the partners of WP1 EU-Global T&L Networks. WP1 will provide a Simulation Capability for the assessment of the expected impact of emerging trade routes, national strategies and technological concepts on the TEN-T corridors and PENs interfacing TEN-T to global trade and will define the Reference Specifications of Integrated Green EU-Global networks [EGTN].
In this fact sheets we detail the relevance of each partner in PLANET, focusing on their role in WP1. In addition, as in the previous cases, the main contributions they have made so far are described, as well as the deliverables linked to WP1, through which you will be able to deepen the work developed so far in this WP.
If you want to know more about WP1, you can find it here!
For more information on the work developed by PLANET consortium members, you can easily access to the other factsheets through the following sections: