
WP1 & WP2 Innovation Management

PLANET’s WP1 and WP2 Innovation Management Meeting

PLANET’s WP1 and WP2 Innovation Management Workshop took place three months ago. The event was held just after the end of project’s Year 1, and it was attended by the entire consortium.

During this Workshop, Work Packages (WPs) and Task Leaders had the opportunity to present their main progress and results achieved so far. The Workshop focus on the products resulting from the work done so far in WP1 and WP2, which were actively discussed, clarifying certain relevant aspects and proposing improvements and synergies between WP1 and 2. Finally, in the last part of this Workshop, PLANET’s Innovation Management and Intellectual Property was presented.

Download Press Release to find more information about PLANET’s WP1 and WP2 Innovation Management Meeting:


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