Three deliverables from WP1 EU-Global T&L Networks have been submitted at the end of February and are now ready to be read!
- D1.5 Simulation based impact of new trade routes on TEN-T and disadvantaged regions final version. The main subject of this deliverable is to discuss in more detail the potential impact of the BRI on TEN-T using several model simulations. More specially, based on the results of future simulations for 2030 and 2050 and two scenario simulations, the potential impact of TEN-T is identified. Some ideas of leveraging the role of intermodal nodes, in particular the inland ones covering comprehensive logistic activities supporting local developments, are elaborated as well.
D1.5 Simulation based impact of new trade routes on TEN-T and disadvantaged regions final versionDownload
- D1.7 Legislation and EU Policy to impact EGTN final version. The main subject of this deliverable is to evaluate the potential impacts of various legislative and policy initiatives on the EGTN layers, attributes and development and to assess the key implementation barriers. In addition, scenarios for 2030 and 2050 per transport mode were developed in order to evaluate the impacts of prioritized legal and policy initiatives on the simulation input parameters.
- D1.9 Simulation-based analysis of T&L and ICT innovation technologies final version. The main subject of this deliverable is to test the PLANET integrated modelling capability developed in D1.8. In sum, it demonstrates the concept of ‘whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ by highlighting the enhanced effect of integrating the features and potential of individual models developed across the PLANET project to model a range of operational contexts, emerging technologies, and future scenario logics.